
CUBE WALLET 方塊厚短夾・BROWN棕-封面- 本相造物所selfportrait
CUBE WALLET 方塊厚短夾・BLACK黑-封面- 本相造物所selfportrait
CUBE WALLET 方塊厚短夾・OLIVE GREEN橄欖綠-封面- 本相造物所selfportrait
04CUBE WALLET 方塊厚短夾・BROWN棕-本相造物所selfportrait


在眾多的短夾當中,到底還可以創造出甚麼可能呢? 對於卡片較多的使用者,難道就必須要忍受醜陋變形的皮夾嗎? 因著這樣的想法,我們試圖思考原有對短夾的思維與使用方法,重新定義短夾自身的形態,打破只能制式化存放卡片的狀態,讓不同使用者也能擁有自己的使用方式。

透過精準的距離分割與厚度預留,利用折面將一體成形的短夾版型精準釦合在恰當的位置,並同時預留與分隔出鈔票與卡片存放空間。極簡與精準的創新設計 ,讓握在手裡的短夾無時無刻都成為亮點。


  • 尺寸:W10.5 x H8.5 x D3 cm
  • 材質:歐洲植鞣牛皮、黃銅釦件
  • 顏色:棕色
  • 設計/產地:台灣
  • 原料來源:歐洲、台灣
  • 配件:防塵套一只、收納盒一組
  • 鈔票數量:約15~20張(各國貨幣尺寸均可)
  • 卡片數量:每邊約10~12張
  • 售價:NTD 2880

Among the many wallets, what else can be created? For users with a lot of cards, does it have to endure the ugly and deformed wallet? Because of this idea, we try to think about the using methods of the original wallet, and redefine the shape of wallet, break the method that can only put cards in a standardized way. Therefore, different users can have their own use methods.

Through precise distance division and thickness reserve, the shape of wallet is not only accurately buckled in the appropriate position by using folded surfaces, but also reserve and separate banknote and card space. The minimalist and precise innovative design makes the wallet in your hand being a highlight all the time.

The cube wallet leather is made by European vegetable-tanned cowhide leather, which deliberately presents the leather’s natural and warm texture. Over time, the leather surface will have a unique shiny. And with brass fasteners to improve the overall texture.

  • Size: W10.5 x H8.5 x D3 cm
  • Material: European Vegetable Tanned Cowhide, Brass Fasteners
  • Color: Brown
  • Design/Made: Taiwan
  • Source: Europe, Taiwan
  • Accessories: Dust Cover X1, Box X1
  • Banknotes: 15 to 20 (all currencies can be sized)
  • Cards: 10 to 12 (on each side)
  • Price: NTD 2880