經典款的鈔票夾由於造型輕薄,樣式簡單,是許多人愛不釋手的短夾款式之一。 我們以經典樣式為基礎,挑選極具質感的金屬釦夾,並搭配蠟線手工縫製成形。每一針一線的位置都經過計算,以確保縫線轉折與整體形狀的契合。在金屬釦夾附近收邊處也因應使用方式做細部調整,讓經典鈔票夾在極簡中仍保有細節。
- 尺寸:W12.3 x H8.5 x D0.9 cm
- 材質:歐洲植鞣牛皮、不鏽鋼釦夾、蠟線
- 顏色:黑色
- 設計/產地:台灣
- 原料來源:歐洲、台灣
- 配件:防塵套一只、收納盒一組
- 鈔票數量:約15~20張(各國貨幣尺寸均可)
- 卡片數量:約4~6張
- 售價:NTD 2280
The classic wallet is one of the types that many people love because of its light weight and simple style. Based on the classic style, we select the golden metal clip with a very high texture and hand-sewn it with wax string to form it. The position of each stitch and thread is calculated to ensure that the suture fits the overall shape. The method of fixing metal clip also has some design, so that the classic wallet still retains details.
The classic wallet leather is made by European vegetable-tanned cowhide leather, which deliberately presents the leather’s natural and warm texture. Over time, the leather surface will have a unique shiny. And with golden clip to improve the overall texture.
- Size: W12.3 x H8.5 x D0.9 cm
- Material: European Vegetable Tanned Cowhide, Stainless Clip, Wax String
- Color: Black
- Design/Made: Taiwan
- Source: Europe, Taiwan
- Accessories: Dust Cover X1, Box X1
- Banknotes: 15 to 20 (all currencies can be sized)
- Cards: 4 to 6
- Price: NTD 2280